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Your personal health concierge supports your body, mind and emotions through integrative personalized care. Providing full care or working with your current team of lifestyle experts to specifically tailor programs and treatments to your phenotypical requirements (the current expression of your genes) and your soul purpose.

Complete assessment of your current state of health and wellness with our global team of integrative medical and health experts provides specific direction for your diet, fitness, mental clarity, emotional wellbeing, stress management, social requirements, living space, environment impacts, energetic and spiritual pathways, disease management and predicted health tendencies. Allowing you to achieve optimal personal health and equilibrium in a complete program of safety, expertise and support.

You are welcome to contact us for more information here. Please note, due to the exceptionally personalized nature of our work, we do apply strict entry requirements for the Personal Health Concierge program. Personal recommendation from a current or previous client is highly regarded.